Omnifocus 2 For Mac Pro

OmniFocus Pro 3.4.2

OmniFocus Standard and Pro are in-app purchases, with discounts for people who bought earlier versions of OmniFocus for Mac through the Mac App Store. Download the app for details.

. The Review perspective (NEW IN 2) makes sure nothing falls through the cracks. Starting from a solid, simple user experience, we added Pro features for customizing OmniFocus and making it even more powerful. Pro is available via In-App Purchase and free to customers who purchased OmniFocus 1 from the Mac App Store. Explore the three features that define OmniFocus Pro: Focus, Custom Perspectives, and Scripting. The Perspectives Window (Pro) OmniFocus Pro adds the Perspectives window to OmniFocus, where you can choose which perspectives to display as tabs in the sidebar (and determine their order), and create custom perspectives that reflect views on your OmniFocus data that you want to come back to again and again. Choose Show Perspectives (Control-Command-P) from the Perspectives menu to open the.

Use OmniFocus to accomplish more every day. Create projects and tasks, organize them with tags, focus on what you can do right now — and get stuff done.

OmniFocus — now celebrating 10 years as the trusted, gold-standard to-do list app — brings unrivaled power and flexibility to your Mac, making it easy to work the way you want to work.

OmniFocus manages everything in your busy life. Use projects to organize tasks naturally, and then add tags to organize across projects. Easily enter tasks when you’re on the go, and process them when you have time. Tap the Forecast view — which shows both tasks and calendar events — to get a handle on your day. Use the Review perspective to keep your projects and tasks on track.

Then let our free syncing system make sure you data is the same on every Mac. (And on OmniFocus for iOS, available separately.) Because your data is encrypted, it’s safe in the cloud.


  • NEW: Tags add a powerful additional organizing tool. Create tags for people, energy levels, priorities, locations, and more.
  • NEW: The Forecast view shows your tasks and calendar events in order, so you can better see what’s coming up in your day.
  • NEW: Enhanced repeating tasks are easier than ever to set up — and they work with real-world examples such as the first weekday of the month.
  • NEW: The Modern, fresh-but-familiar design helps you focus on your content.
  • Inbox is where you quickly add tasks — save them when you think of them, and organize them later.
  • Syncing supports end-to-end encryption so that your data is safe wherever it’s stored, on our server or yours.
  • Notes can be attached to your tasks, so you have all the information you need.
  • Attachments — graphics, video, audio, whatever you want — add richness to your tasks.
  • View Options let you customize each perspective by deciding what it should show and how it should filter your tasks.
  • The Review perspective takes you through your projects and tasks — so you stay on track.
  • OmniFocus Mail Drop adds tasks via email and works with services like IFTTT and Zapier (if you’re using our free syncing server).
  • The Today Widget shows you your most important items — you don’t even have to switch to the app to know what’s up.


  • Custom perspectives help you create new ways to see your data by filtering and grouping projects and tags. NEW: The filtering rules are simpler to use while being more powerful than ever, letting you combine rules with “all,” “any,” and “none.” You can also choose any image to use as your custom perspective’s icon, and a custom tint color to go with it.
  • NEW: Today’s Forecast can include items with a specific tag, and you can reorder those tasks however you choose, so you can plan your day better.
  • The customizable sidebar lets you organize your perspectives the way you want to, for super-fast access.
  • The Today Widget shows a perspective of your choice in Notification Center.
  • AppleScript support opens up a world of automation, using Apple’s Mac scripting language.

What’s New:

Version 3.4:

  • Database Migration – The ability to drop individual actions requires that all of your syncing devices are running OmniFocus 3.4 for Mac or 3.3 for iOS (or later). Once all of your devices have been updated, you’ll be prompted to migrate your database to support the new feature
  • Action Status – Updated the logic that determines whether an action is available based on tag status. The rules are as follows:
    • A task with all dropped tags is unavailable
    • A task with any on-hold tag is unavailable
    • A task with any other mixture of tags is available
    • A task with its own explicit status (completed or dropped) always respects that status
    • A task with no tags is available


  • First Run – We’ve updated the OmniFocus for Mac first run experience for the optional OmniFocus subscription. If you’re a customer who already owns OmniFocus for Mac and/or iOS and would like to use OmniFocus for the Web, check out the Web Add-On Subscription option at the bottom of
  • Dropped Actions – It’s now possible to drop an individual action using the inspector, the keyboard shortcut option-space, or by option-clicking its status circle. Dropping an item is a great way to preserve an action even though you’ve decided not to do it
  • AppleScript – Added the properties dropped, effectively dropped, dropped date, and the verbs mark dropped and mark incomplete to tasks. Scripts which use set status to dropped on projects should be updated to use mark dropped
  • AppleScript – mark complete and mark dropped now return the task which was marked complete or dropped. For a non-repeating item, this is the same instance which received the message. For a repeating item, the instance that was marked complete or dropped before the repeat was applied and the original item was moved forward is returned
  • Perspectives – Added Due & Flagged as a new perspective sort criteria for database that have been migrated to the latest version (items with due dates or flags are shown first)
  • Perspectives – You can now filter, sort, and group actions by dropped status
  • Repeats – It’s now possible to “skip” an occurrence of a repeating item by dropping it. You’ll be prompted whether to schedule the next occurrence or drop the item completely
  • Sorting – Added By Date Dropped to the Organize > Sort Once submenu


  • Clean Up – Fixed a problem where Clean Up didn’t automatically happen when changing perspectives
  • Counting – Fixed a problem with summary counts in sequential projects with where a grandchild action group contained completed actions
  • Crash – Fixed a crash when attempting to create a new project in free viewer mode or undoing creation of a new project when licensed
  • First Run – OmniFocus now refuses to sync with incompatible databases during first run, rather than allowing syncing without migrating them, which led to later problems
  • Forecast – Prevented events from the system “Found in Natural Language” calendar from appearing in Forecast
  • Outline View – Fixed a few rendering problems in the outline when running a beta version of macOS
  • Sidebar – Improved the alignment of folder and project icons in the sidebar


  • Omni Account – If you’re signed into an Omni Account you can now see more information about your account, including any active subscription, via the OmniFocus > Omni Account menu item
  • Action Groups – Completing an action group no longer explicitly completes every action in that group. Instead, the actions inherit the completed status
  • Action Status – Actions in projects or action groups that are completed or dropped now inherit their container’s status-similar to the existing behavior of due dates, defer dates, and flags. The Completed perspective and Availability: Dropped perspective filter rule match actions that inherit a completed or dropped status
  • Smaller Fixes and Improvements


OmniFocus 2 for Mac & Scripting

AppleScript support in OmniFocus 2 is a Pro feature—it’s extremely powerful. AppleScript is a programming language that interfaces directly with features of an application; it allows for manipulation of data or interface elements in apps that add support for it.

OmniFocus 2 has improved AppleScript support but should work with older, already-compiled scripts. Now that OmniFocus lives in a sandboxed environment, though, it’s worth taking a look inside and making some basic changes to bring ‘em all up to date. Get familiar with OmniFocus 2 AppleScript changes here.

If you do run into a problem with a specific script, check these changes first. If there’s a bug, let us know.

Using JavaScript for Automation in OS X

In OS X v10.10, JavaScript was added as an alternative to AppleScript. There’s a must-read site full of documentation about the addition.

The resources listed here don’t yet incorporate JavaScript.

Pretty Common Stuff

Actually, common is a bit of a misstatement! If you can dream it, you can probably achieve it with AppleScript and some glue. Starting with something simple like moving a due date forward by two weeks with the click of a button, to the advanced: generating a PDF of all completed, flagged actions in the last few weeks and emailing it to a partner or manager. (And then this thing and that thing and maybe a thing or two more…)

Folks have added entirely new features to OmniFocus: Curt Clifton’s Populate Template Placeholders script (and Chris Sauves own implementation, a script to find actions from a particular sender in your database from Mail, for deferring, for support documents, etc.

Helmut wrote quite a bit on deferring tasks quickly, made a mashup with a few other scripts, and paired it with Alfred. Massively convenient and all backed by AppleScript.

This won’t be a tutorial or a walkthrough on the entire OmniFocus 2 AppleScript library, but you will get a few examples of the flexibility.

Getting data into OmniFocus

Some people use OmniFocus for everything; here’s an “everything” example:

Radium is an internet radio player that lives in your menubar. Anytime a new, interesting song is played, running this script will add it to your Inbox for later. It’s up to you to process later, but it’s a good example of adding an action via AppleScript.


Omnifocus 3 For Mac

Switching views quickly is super easy with the new Quick Open feature in OmniFocus 2. Hit ⌘O, start typing where you’d like to go, and WHA-BAM: you’re there. (After you hit return.)

But you can incorporate switching, opening, and adding views to your workflow just as easy with AppleScript. (It’s even more useful with a systemwide quick-launcher like Launchbar, Alfred, or Quicksilver!)

Here’s how to activate a perspective in your frontmost window:

You can also open that up in a new window so you don’t mess with your current window’s configuration:

If you do use Launchbar, just put those scripts in your ~/Library/Application Support/Launchbar/Actions/ folder. You could then open a new perspective window from wherever you are.

A Sandboxing Note

Remember, a requirement to being in the App Store is sandboxing: making sure the application cannot touch anything else on the system you haven’t explicitly given it permission to touch. You can continue to install scripts that live in your toolbar at a specific spot:

~/Library/Application Scripts/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus2

You can get there quickly by heading to Help->Open Scripts Folder.

Omnifocus 2 For Mac Pro 12.9


  • Delegate action via Mail by many, hosted by Jered Benoit.
  • Advanced MailMate by Brett Terpstra.
  • Flagged to OmniFocus by Hunter Hillegas. Exchange support in comments.
  • Complete and Await Reply by Curt Clifton.

Adding Actions

  • Add scanned items via Hazel by David Sparks.
  • Add current Radium track by Derek R.
  • Safari tab list to Inbox hosted by
  • Chrome tab list to Inbox hosted by
  • Add current Spotify track by Benjamin Crist.

Acting on Actions

  • Defer Later (random) (by Helmut Hauser)
  • Defer actions (by Dan Byler)
  • Snooze (by Dan Byler)
  • Today (by Dan Byler)
  • Total Time (by Dan Byler. Sums estimates)


  • Populate Template Placeholders by Curt Clifton.
  • Templates.scpt by Chris Sauve; ongoing by Mike McLean.
Omnifocus 2 for mac pro 12.9


  • OopsieFocus by Shawn Blanc. Makes sure Quick Entry always comes up.
  • Verify Next Actions Exist by Curt Clifton.

Know of something worth including here? Send ‘em our way: